Monday, 15 March 2010

March Outdoor Sowing Diary

The sun came out and I couldn't resist putting a few seeds in the ground.  A week of warmer weather wouldn't go amiss!

March Outdoor Sowing Diary

14th - Roots, Shallots, Lettuces

  1. Parsnips - Excalibur, Two half rows
  2. Carrots - Mixed Seed, 1 row
  3. Shallots (Seed) - Banana 2 rows
  4. Peas - Mangetout, half row
  5. Lettuce - Rocket, half row
  6. Lettuce - Webs Wonderful, half row

13th - Brassicas, Herbs

  1. Leaf Beet - Rhubard Chard, 3 small rows
  2. Cauliflower - Romaneso Veronica, 1 tray (Coldframe)
  3. Cabbage - Goodman, 1 tray (Coldframe)
  4. Coriander - Leaf, 5 pots (Coldframe)
  5. Lettuce - Romaine, 1 tray (Coldframe)
06th - Early Carrots, Radishes, Spring Onions
  1. Carrots - Early Nantes, half row
  2. Radishes - French Breakfast, half row
  3. Spring Onion - Lilia, half row

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