Tuesday 31 August 2010

Allotment Barbecue

This year we held the first, of what hopefully is the annual barbecue, at the allotments.  The weather was threatening all day but thankfully it held out, and by 5pm the clouds had moved on and left us with a clear evening to enjoy the event!  There was plenty of good food on the go and we enjoyed the warmth provided by the fire (and of course the guests).  Thanks to everyone who took part in the event and hopefully this is the first of many! Here are a few photos:

Thursday 5 August 2010

Colourful Morning

I popped down to the veg patch early Tuesday morning with Kai (age 2) and we gathered what must be my most colourful collection of fruit and veg ever.  The plum tree is full of ripe plums, the autumn fruiting raspberries are just beginning, the yellow courgettes are still on the go, the golden beetroots are bulging out of the ground and even the Chillies contributed with a touch of green.  They say it is a healthy habit to eat your way through the rainbow, well it won't be hard with this basket!  Happy pickings!!