The allotment gradually took shape over the next couple of years. To be honest I found the process of digging the beds and planning the layout as enjoyable (if not more so!) than sowing and planting. It probably has something to do with the instant result. I want a new bed here, I dig it. Whereas if i want some corn, then I need to sow the seed, plant out the new little plants, water, hope for sun, and finally if all went to plan, 8 months later I am eating some corn! There is a great saying I heard recently regarding gardening that couldn't be more true,
"Live like there is no tomorrow, garden like you will live forever!"
In the first year, my main ambition was to get in some fruit and veg that would be fairly low maintenence so that I could get on with completing the rest of the plot. I put in a long row of autumn fruiting rasberries and a big bed of strawberries, kindly given to me by Tony and Pat in plot opposite to me. They gave me runners from their strawberries and a few rasberries canes that were popping up where they weren't wanted. I also dug a third bed with the hopes of getting some corn (more on that later).
1 comment:
August 12, 2009
Nice work (both the garden and the blog)! It is a pleasure to read of your experiments and the passion you have for what you're doing. I look forward to reading further postings on your blog.
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