Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Even Later and Better!

Humble Beginnings
Well two years have passed now since my last post and that may be a personal record for my procrastination! Anyway just because the blog was neglected The Good Life wasn't. The allotment has been an absolute pleasure to have. As you can see above, it was very humble beginnings. The plot is approximately 25 x 125 feet, so there never was going to be a shortage of space. I feel very fortunate to have gotten a plot now. Right after I got my plot, the Grow Your Own wave really swept, and continues to sweep, the country. Fueled by celebrity chefs such as, Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fernley Wittingstall, with their back to basics rustic style of cooking, allotment plots have been in very fierce demand. Some waiting lists are actually around 4-5 years long!

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