Tuesday, 20 April 2010

April Planting Out

My broccoli and cauliflowers are bursting out of their pots so I thought I would take advantage of this mid April sun and put them in their final places.  I just put out half now and I will see how they get on. This year I am not taking chances with the pigeons and rooks.  I have built a 3 foot high wooden frame and covered my complete brassica bed with fine netting.  Hopefully it will keep out the white butterflies as well but I am not convinced! :)

Apr 20 - Broccoli, Cauliflower

  1. Broccoli - Wok Broc, planted out 3 plants
  2. Broccoli - Calabrese, planted out 2 plants
  3. Cauliflower - Romanesco Veronica, planted out 5 plants

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