It has definitely been an adventurous gardening year. Last week we had the latest frost for about 30 years and this week we saw the thermometer hit 29C (around 85F). I went from thinking it was still too cold to harden the plants off to worrying that the plants were getting scorched in under a week. Needless to say, most things pulled through (as they seem to do when you take no action), and so I thought it was a good time to take stock and give a general progress report.
The first harvest of the year was a lovely meal of Asparagus with Poached Egg, Rustic Bread and grated Parmesan. It was followed up by Emma's very tasty Rhubard crumble.
Most of the seeds that I have sewn this year have been successful with the exception of the Rosemary, Thyme and Lavender. I will try to propagate from existing plants this year as I cant seem to get the hang of any of those from seed.
Strawberries and Raspberries
The strawberries and raspberries look better than ever this year. I am looking forward to lots of jam this year and of course still plenty for eating!
Strawberries |
Raspberries |
The carrots, radishes and Garlic (Feb) have all come through nicely and I am looking forward to getting a decent carrot harvest this year for the first time. The spring onions are still very thin and hard to pick up on camera. Only about half of them germinated, so I am going to do a second sowing soon.
Radish/Garlic/Carrots |
Also from
March Outdoor Sowings; Cauliflower-Romaneso Veronica, Mange-tout, Coriander, Lettuces and Leaf Beet (Chard).
Cauliflower |
Mange-Tout |
Coriander |
Lettuces |
Leaf Beet |