Welcome to my Blog, "Good Food, Good Life". There is an abundance of blogs to choose from these days, due to what seems be an inherent belief that other human beings actually have a desire to hear what we/I/you have to say about this or that passion or obsession. While this may or may not be true (future topic perhaps?), I certainly appreciate any time you spend browsing my current projects, observations and maybe even the odd philosophical meandering.
I have had a well meaning intention to start a blog for a long time. This has coincided with many other well meant intentions such as; eating healthier, getting more exercise, introducing my daughters to good quality food, and generally enjoying the great outdoors a bit more. Hopefully all of these themes will come through here, as well as a few more that get discovered along the way.
I live near Felsted in Essex ( http://www.felstedplus.co.uk/ ). It is a gorgeous area in the eastern part of England. The surrounding countryside is crisscrossed with miles and miles of footpaths and bridleways which makes for excellent walking and bike riding. This time of year the rape fields are in full bloom and the fields are covered in a dazzling yellow. Sometimes the colour is so bright you literally have to squint when looking at it. The full effect of the flowers only seem to last a couple of weeks and while they do, it is spectacular.